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Become A Published Author Today

Regardless of what stage you are in your publishing goal, we can help you get published. Our team of professionals will guide you through the entire process. The basic premise is anyone can become a published author. You call the shots and retain the rights to your intellectual property.

How it Works

  • Claim your free publishing guide
  • Submit your manuscript for evaluation
  • Tell us your publishing goals
  • Choose a publishing package
  • We will turn your manuscript into a printed book, audio book, eBook, Kindle and publish it online
  • We will make your book available to readers across the globe, through our expanded network of retailers and distributors
  • You will retain 100% ownership of the copyright of your book
Publishing With Rehoboth

Publishing with Rehoboth House guarantees you a worldwide distribution of your books, making them accessible to readers worldwide. Your titles on the Amazon Kindle store or Apple’s iBook store are made available to readers around the globe. Imagine your book on the shelves of a local bookshop in the U.K. We believe these steps are critical to selling your books. Consider a college student in Sydney finding your book on Chegg to help them ace an upcoming exam.

Also, when you publish with us, you will have unlimited access to our team of professionals all through the process; from editing, cover design, interior page layout to proofreading. We take the complexity and guesswork out of publishing and help you become published author.

Please note: Distribution is subject to the vendor’s discretion. Rehoboth House cannot guarantee that every vendor will accept an author's title, neither can we control the subjective purchasing decisions of consumers,thereof, we do not guarantee sales of any author's book.

Our Publishing Packages

Our publishing packages are designed to help authors actualize their publishing goals. They are none exclusive contract packages, which gives authors 100% copyright ownership of their books and the right to influence decisions in the production cycle and marketing of their books.

Rehoboth House Publishing Packages
$697 $1,297 $2,297 $3,297
1. Manuscript analysis
2. Professional experienced publishing consultant assigned
3. Author has significant input throughout the process
4. eBook Version formatted and posted on Kindle, Nook, iBooks,Kobo and more than 60 similar eBook distribution sites
5. Beautiful custom full-color cover designed specifically for your book
6. Includes PDF electronic proofs
7. Includes one free printed proof prior to publication and distribution
8. Interior formatting, standard black and white
9. Interior design and formatting, black and white or full-color
10. Marketing consultation available
11. Authors retain 100% ownership of the copyright
12. Authors receive some of the highest royalty percentages paid quarterly on books sold by our distributors. We pay you 100% royalty of whatever our distributors pay us, after all applicable sales fees are applied.
13. ISBN number and bar code
14. Discounted light editing
15. Paperback Version See #25
16. Expanded Amazon distribution
17. Properly written copy written for the back cover
18. Christian bookstore distribution when appropriate
19. Authors buy their books at below wholesale prices
20. No requirement for author to purchase books in advance
21. Publisher directly handles wholesale orders from sales channels like Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Ingram, etc. Orders are fulfilled, books shipped, and records kept for author royalty payment.
22. Global distribution (made available) through various distribution channels to 117,000 online and offline retail bookstores from Barnes & Nobel to the smallest neighborhood mom and pop bookstore.
23. Audio Book Version (Studio recorded by professional voice over talent; distributed through iTunes and—owned by Amazon)
24. Hardcover Version, dust cover style (Includes PDF proofs, followed by one free printed proof)
25. Light editing included
26. Press Release (Written and distributed to 3000+ media editors
27. One additional language translation
28. Book trailer, professional video trailer promotes your book like movie trailers promote movies
29. Copyright registration with the Library of Congress
30. Simple one-page author website with links to, etc.
31. Image insertions (graphics or photos) 10 20 50
32. Choice of trim size (8.5x11, or virtually any common size)
33. FREE paperback copies for author (Consider their retail value) 10 20 30
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