Publishing with Rehoboth House connects you with one of the industry’s largest global distribution networks. We liaise with major retailers and industry top distributors to sell and distribute your books across the globe.
Your titles on the Amazon Kindle store or Apple’s iBook store are made available to readers worldwide. Imagine your book on the shelves of a local bookshop in the U.K or a college student in Sydney finding your book on Chegg to help them ace an upcoming exam.
All these are made possible through our dedicated and reliable print and digital book distribution partners.
Not only do we provide access to an enormous global network, but we do it in a way that gives you more market coverage with less work and at a lower cost.
Want to know our partners that make your books available to retailers worldwide? Below you will find a list our print distribution partners helping connect you to readers across the globe.
Via Ingram Book Group Rehoboth House titles are automatically made available to more than tens of thousands of retailers, libraries, schools, internet commerce companies, and other channel partners, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters/Indigo (Canada), and other well-known book retailers and wholesalers across North America.
Publishing your e-book with Rehoboth House gives you unprecedented access to more global markets via one of the world's largest online distribution networks. E-book distribution from more than 1000 online partners serving readers across the globe—that is digital publishing like a pro.